Honey Vinegar 500 ml
Honey Vinegar 500 ml
Honey Vinegar 500 ml
Honey Vinegar 500 ml
Honey Vinegar 500 ml
Honey Vinegar 500 ml


Honey Vinegar 500 ml

Product Description

Honey vinegar is a type of vinegar obtained by fermenting honey for a while.

*Provides many benefits for the brain and nervous system.
*It has positive effects on the stomach, intestines and digestive system. It is effective for relieving stomach cramps.
*It has the feature of refreshing and rejuvenating the skin.
*Good for seasonal allergies such as allergic rhinitis (hay-spring fever).
*Contributes to slimming and weight loss.
*Opens the veins and regulates blood circulation.
*Relieves sore throat. It is good for hoarseness when applied as mist. If you put some honey vinegar in hot water and inhale the steam, it will help open the sinuses.
*It is a good disinfectant. You can use it while cleaning.
* It regulates high blood pressure by helping to remove excess salt accumulated in the body. Honey-vinegar-lemon mixture can also help lower blood pressure.
*Vitamins B1, B2 and natural acids contained in honey vinegar contribu Show More

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