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Chestnut Honey 500 gr

Chestnut Honey 500 gr

3 reviews

Chestnut Honey

Natural chestnut honey is produced from chestnut trees that start to bloom in May and June. What distinguishes chestnut honey from other flower honeys is its thick consistency and dark color. Dark colored honey has richer content than other honeys. Additionally, it is produced less compared to other flower honeys, so chestnut honey is more valuable than other types of honey. Chestnut honey is produced in many parts of our country, but the taste and smell of this type of honey produced in regions with a suitable climate is much more delicious than others. Chestnut honey has a slightly astringent taste and a unique pleasant smell, which makes it easily distinguishable from other types of honey. When producing chestnut honey, bees use only chestnut tree flowers, so chestnut honey is a very pure honey. Chestnut honey has a high viscosity because it is a dark honey, and its pH value is also high compared to other flower honeys. Since it is a dense honey, it is not recommended to use more than one or two teaspoons a day.

Datça Chestnut Honey

Datça chestnut honey has an extremely rich content in terms of natural ingredients. Although it has numerous benefits, it stands out with its protective effect against diseases. Thanks to its rich nutritional value, it meets your daily nutritional needs. It is an extremely useful and healthy food with the vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants it contains.

Characteristics of Chestnut Honey

Thanks to its properties, chestnut honey provides many benefits compared to other honey. Chestnut honey has been consumed for many years thanks to its benefits. Since the fructose rate is higher than the glucose rate, crystallization is less common and crystallizes later than other honeys. The crystals formed after crystallization have a smaller structure, so they can be easily dissolved with appropriate methods. Natural chestnut honey contains more iron and calcium minerals than other flower honeys. In addition, it is one of the honeys with the highest vitamin value, thanks to the complex vitamins it contains. Thanks to its benefits, chestnut honey is used by many people to increase body resistance and protect against diseases. Chestnut honey is often used to relieve illnesses such as cold, flu and cold, which are common in winter. Thanks to its expectorant properties, it is perfect for getting rid of persistent coughs. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in chestnut honey, it purifies the body from toxic substances and supports your hair and skin health. It helps heal wounds in the mouth thanks to its antiseptic properties. It is also recommended for use in urinary system diseases, and it is widely used as a supportive food in frequent urinary tract infections. Chestnut honey is very effective against digestive system problems and is often used to prevent indigestion and gas pain. It is used against cancer due to its high antioxidant components. Chestnut honey has a blood sugar regulating effect and is recommended by experts in diets.

Chestnut Honey Prices

The price of chestnut honey varies depending on its varieties and weight. Chestnut honey varieties It varies depending on the region where it is produced, such as Datça chestnut honey, Marmaris chestnut honey, and prices may vary accordingly. The best quality chestnut honey is offered to you at affordable prices on our website. You can order safely from www.pehlivandatca.com.
