Carob honey is a type of honey known as monoflora, which is formed as a result of bees collecting the nectar of carob trees. Monoflora honey is the name given to honey that bees collect and ripen mostly from a single flower species. Natural carob honey, which is flower honey, has the unique aroma of nectar collected from the carob flower. Carob honey is also known as carob honey and carob honey is made from carob trees. The taste and smell of carob honey is quite different from other honeys and is ideal for those who want to try honey with different flavors. In regions with a Mediterranean climate, carob trees bloom in autumn and carob honey is obtained in small quantities in October and November. Afterwards, all that remains is to bring this flavor to the tables and tastes of those who want to try different tastes.
The carob tree, which grows on its own in rural and non-arable areas of the Mediterranean region, blooms naturally. Although bees mostly collect nectar from these flowers, carob honey also contains the nectar of some wild wildflowers. Marmaris carob honey and Datça carob honey contains the aroma of the wild flowers of that region. In order for carob honey to be of high quality, plenty of sun and mineral-rich arid soil are needed. In regions such as Datça, where summers are hot and the soil is dry in summers, plants try to take up very little water from the soil, but they also take up a lot of minerals from the soil. Since it absorbs less water, it secretes less nectar, but ripe honey has a very thick and rich aroma. Plants that have easy access to water give a lot of nectar, but its content is not full of beneficial minerals, like the nectar given by plants growing in arid soil. Datça carob honey is obtained by our bees making honey from the nectar of carob trees growing in the untouched lands of natural Datça. Due to the fact that it is produced in small quantities compared to other honeys, Datça carob honey varieties are mostly in small weights.
Honey is one of the most important healing sources on earth and each honey has its own benefits. If we talk about the properties and benefits of carob honey; It contains more vitamins and minerals than flower honey, and is especially rich in calcium. It is a delicious and natural solution where you can get the necessary vitamins and minerals while meeting your sweet needs at breakfast or between meals. Thanks to these reasons, it has a positive effect on teeth and gums. Containing vitamin E, it is good for cough, flu, osteoporosis and anemia in both adults and children. Its biggest benefit is that it can be an auxiliary treatment for lung and heart-related diseases. Carob honey is beneficial for the heart, prevents palpitations, and expels radiation entering the human body. For the lungs, it has an expectorant effect, opens the bronchi and is very effective in shortness of breath. It is a very helpful alternative treatment method in the treatment of asthma. Fibrous tissue may form in lung cancer patients due to radiotherapy. This causes edema in the lungs and difficult breathing. Carob honey eliminates this pulmonary edema. The benefits of carob honey are endless when used regularly and in specified amounts. Adults can consume up to 6 to 10 teaspoons (50-80 grams), but it is recommended that the daily consumption amount for children is determined according to body weight (1 kg - 1 g). Although honey products are natural, they should not be used in children under 1 year of age.
Carob honey prices may vary depending on the production frequency and weight of the product. Since carob honey is only obtained in small quantities in October and November, its price may be more expensive than other honey. However, thanks to its rich content and taste, it is a type of honey that consumers cannot give up. You can order from our site 24/7 and enjoy your products.