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Pollen 100g

Pollen 100g

Pollen 200 g

Pollen 200 g

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Propolis Water Based 30 ml

Propolis Water Based 30 ml

Propolis Water Based 50 ml

Propolis Water Based 50 ml

Royal Jelly 10 Pack

Royal Jelly 10 Pack

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Raw Honey + Royal Jelly 220 gr

Raw Honey + Royal Jelly 220 gr

Raw Honey Royal Jelly Pollen Special Mixture 220 gr

Raw Honey Royal Jelly Pollen Special Mixture 220 gr

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Raw Honey Royal Jelly Propolis Special Mix 220 gr

Raw Honey Royal Jelly Propolis Special Mix 220 gr

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Bee Bread 200 gr

Bee Bread 200 gr

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Raw Honey Bee Bread Special Mix 220 gr

Raw Honey Bee Bread Special Mix 220 gr

Bee Products

Natural Datça bee products are products that are meticulously obtained by Pehlivan Datça and are extremely natural. Since human health is one of the most important issues, natural Datça bee products have been put into production to support this. The production of pollenpropolisroyal jelly and many more products that have numerous benefits for human health is provided. While ensuring this production, the safest and most meticulous methods are preferred. Natural Datça bee
Its products are products that can be used by every person and contribute to the people who use them being healthier, fitter and stronger.


Pollen is generally known and preferred by many people. Bee pollen, which is very beneficial for health, is actually the male reproductive organ of flowers. On the other hand, it is actually a necessary food for honey bees. Honey bees need pollen to continue their development, reproduction and activities in the hive. They then transfer the bee pollen they consume as food from one flower to another. Thanks to this transfer, they ensure the pollination of plants. In addition, they provide the vitamins, minerals and proteins they need by storing pollen in the honeycombs. How pollen is obtained is actually a matter of curiosity. Pollen that sticks to the feet of the bees enters the hive. Meanwhile, they are caught in bee pollen traps placed in the hives. After being caught in the trap, they are poured into the tray placed underneath. People engaged in beekeeping also maintain this order by collecting pollen one day and leaving the pollen to the bees the next day. Datça pollen  is also obtained completely naturally and meticulously by following this order. Datça pollen, which contains amino acids as well as mineral salts, also contains 7 different types of vitamins. With all these beneficial properties, Datça bee pollen is an extremely natural product that every individual who cares about their health should consume.


As everyone knows, propolis is produced by bees. It is a very powerful and natural product produced from plant resins. The purpose of bees producing and using propolis is to purify their hives from bacteria and protect them from external threats. Generally speaking, propolis actually acts as a shield for all hives and is almost a defense mechanism. It can be said that it actually acts as a shield for human health. When consumed, it strengthens immunity and awakens the defense mechanism in people's bodies. Since it is a natural product obtained through extremely natural means, it can be used at all stages and ages, from childhood to adulthood. It can be consumed either by mixing it with drinks and food, or by dropping it directly into the mouth. In addition to all these,Datça propolis  is also obtained by the same means and produced under suitable conditions. Moreover, Datça propolis is collected from many different fresh plants and tree sprouts in accordance with the collection season. Extremely natural  The taste of this product may vary depending on the region and region where it is collected. This difference actually depends on changes such as plant source and season.

Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is produced by worker honey bees and, as its name suggests, it is a milk-like secretion. Royal jelly, whose content varies depending on geography or climate, is used to feed larvae and adult queens. Like other similar bee products, royal jelly is also tried to be obtained by natural methods. Obtaining Datça royal jelly is done meticulously, just like every other bee product. Datça royal jelly, which has many qualities that support human health, contains proteins and minerals. Datça royal jelly, whose benefits spread on a very wide scale, should be consumed by everyone who takes care of themselves and cares about their health.
