GOLDEN HERB is a miraculous plant that many of us have heard of for the first time, brought into our lives by the health trend coming from nature. Golden grass takes its name from its bright yellow color.
*As with all other herbal suggestions, it is beneficial to use enough, not too much, of golden herb tea and oil. Otherwise, negative consequences may occur. In this regard, consuming 1 cup of golden herb tea per day is sufficient.
*There is no valid data on the effects of golden herb during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this regard, consumption of golden herb is not recommended during breastfeeding and pregnancy.
*Children under 10 years of age are not recommended to consume golden herb tea.
*As with other herbal teas, in order to get the maximum benefit from golden herb tea, it is necessary to purchase it directly as a herb, rather than mixed with other herbs or in the form of small tea bags. It is not known whethe Show More