Olive Milk 250 ml
Olive Milk 250 ml
Olive Milk 250 ml
Olive Milk 250 ml
Olive Milk 250 ml
Olive Milk 250 ml


Olive Milk 250 ml

Product Description

It is a type of olive oil obtained by old methods.
What makes it valuable is that it is 100% natural.
Completely organic olives are crushed in stone mills and a special oil is obtained.
Each stage in this method is based on the old method.

How to Make Olive Milk?
*Olives grown completely organically are collected and placed in a large boat.
*Then, it is crushed in the stone mill using huge stones for about 30 minutes and turned into a dough.
*The resulting olive paste is placed in felt sacks specially made for this purpose.
*Sacks are placed in the printing machine overlapping each other and compressed with a pressure of 200 tons.
*Thus, the first oil, namely olive milk oil, is obtained by using the most natural cold pressing method.
*During the application of high pressure, the first drops of oil flowing into the compartment under the bags are called "boat oil" due to this process.
*Although the seemingly primitive Show More

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