Early Harvest Olive Oil 500 ml
Early Harvest Olive Oil 500 ml


Early Harvest Olive Oil 500 ml

Product Description

Early Harvest Olive Oil 500 ml

Early Harvest Olive Oil is a natural extra virgin olive oil with a high fruity aroma and low acidity, squeezed from olives collected while they are still green in September and October.

Our natural, pure and delicious olive oils are entirely our own production, from our own olive groves in Datça Zeytincik. Our production is done continuously in our own factory. 
Continuous Olive Oil Pressing is the most widely used olive oil production system today, consisting of a series of machines. Olives in this system, respectively; It goes through the cleaning, crushing, kneading (malaxation) and oil separation processes untouched by human beings.
The acidity level of our Early Harvest Olive Oil product, the production process of which begins with the 4-hour oil extraction process of the olives plucked from the branches, is between 0.5 and 0.8 Show More

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