Carob Flour 400 g
Carob Flour 400 g
Carob Flour 400 g
Carob Flour 400 g
Carob Flour 400 g
Carob Flour 400 g
Carob Flour 400 g
Carob Flour 400 g
Carob Flour 400 g


Carob Flour 400 g

Product Description

Carob Flour 400 gr

CAROB is a very beneficial plant for the body with its high nutritional values. Carob is known for being low in calories, high in protein, and rich in vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Carob flour, which is separated from its seeds and ground into flour, is also known as carob flour.

It is possible to make many foods with carob flour. What is more important is that these foods are very healthy. Carob flour is a delicious alternative to cocoa and sugar. A certain amount added to recipes adds delicious flavors to your food that you cannot find in any other product. You can make teas with carob flour and get rid of throat problems in winter. Carob flour, which you can choose for a healthy mixture, can also be mixed with milk. With carob flour, you can reduce or even eliminate the use of cocoa and sugar. You can supplement carob flour, which can giv Show More

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